Five Gift Ideas from the Heart



We live in a world where we are all so blessed that most of us actually need very little. I would like to invite you to consider some of these ideas as venues to share a part of you and your spirit with those you love this holiday season.


Personal Letters

For your family members or close friends, consider writing them a personal letter to accompany a small gift. The letter should be personal, letting them know how much you appreciate them. Discuss some of the highlights they have experienced in the past year and list some of the characteristics they possess and why you admire those traits. Share a personal experience you had at their current age. Lastly, let them know how valuable they are to you and how they have enriched your life.

These letters surpass any age and allows the recipient to receive a part of you. I dare say that these letters will be held dear and is a tangible way to always have a part of you with them, even after you are gone.


Personal Items with a Brief Documentation

Think about giving children or grandchildren an item you have in your home. It could be antique, collectible, a piece of art, or even a photograph. I love seeing people skip a generation and give such items to their grand-children. This is a great way of teaching them about your life and perhaps about a family member no longer with us. Attach a small note about the importance of the item to you, and how much it thrills you to share it with them.

This also teaches the children about special items and about their family history. Often when you skip a generation, the child’s parent suddenly becomes more interested in what you may have to pass along; especially if jewelry is involved. Give a try!


Family Trees

Use a small tree to display individual photos of family members, from the youngest to the oldest. Be sure to included relatives that are no longer with us. As a twist, how fun would it be to create such a tree, using photo copies of each family members baby picture. Then everyone can try to guess who is in each photo. This will be the new heirloom that everyone will want when you are gone.



Allow family members to select an ornament off your tree or give them a specially selected one as a gift. Make sure it is notated by date and your name. As you help build their personal collection, they will also look back in years to come and recall how special a person you were in their life. Pinterest has a lot of ideas on documenting ornaments from photos to ornament books. Again, this a small way to be a part of their life for a very long time. It is also teaching ideas they will remember and hopefully carry on.


Share Family Recipes

What better way of sharing yourself with your family, than sharing recipes that you have prepared for them through the years. What a treasure it would be for you to put together a complete Thanksgiving or Christmas meal via recipes. The recipient will one, remember the wonderful meals you have prepared; two, perhaps try to replicate your skills; or three, have a tangible memory or a wonderful family gathering. If you are at an age where you no longer cook, add in an actual dish or pan you utilized in the preparations.


These ideas are simple ways to share your personal spirit with ones you love this holiday season. With a heart full of GRATITUDE, Merry Christmas!