Southern Heirlooms with Ken Rivenbark

Holland Sterling Goblet

In an effort to continue promoting our rich heritage in our community and throughout the South, Southern Heirlooms is making a transition.  Based on current media trends, I am launching Southern Heirlooms into the full scope of social media.  This change provides the show with an opportunity to expand the audience past the realm of cable networks. Even though we will no longer be airing on Comcast or Knology locally, the shows will continue to air on the six networks in Houston and can be accessed on Facebook, Vimeo, Youtube, Twitter, Linked-In, Pinterest, Goggle Plus, monthly newsletter (2000 plus subscribers) and the show website In the next few days, over twenty episodes of Southern Heirlooms will available for viewing on the show website.

The November show is on “The Mystique and Fascination of Jewelry.” The show newsletter for November will be sent on the fifteenth of this month and will include help tips and information on cleaning and preserving your treasured jewelry.

Thank you so much for your continued support of Southern Heirlooms with Ken Rivenbark!